Ready to Upgrade to Drupal 10? Here's What You Need to Know About System Requirements

By toswebdev, 11 January, 2023
Drupal 10 System Requirements

Drupal 10, the latest version of the popular content management system, has a number of system requirements that must be met in order for it to run correctly. These requirements include both software and hardware specifications.

Software Requirements:

  • PHP: Drupal 10 requires at least PHP 8.1. PHP 8.1. 6 is recommended. It is recommended to use the latest stable version of PHP.
  • Database: Drupal 10 supports several databases, including MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. MySQL 8.0 or higher or MariaDB 10.4 or higher are recommended for best performance.

    Supported versions for Drupal 9 and 10
    • MariaDB 10.3.7+
    • MySQL/Percona 5.7.8+

     Required configuration

  •  InnoDB as the primary storage engine
  •  The PDO database extension

Note: Drupal itself will generally operate with a default MariaDB/MySQL configuration. A more complex site will likely require configuration changes for the database. You can solve these common configuration issues using this documentation.

  • Web Server: Apache, Nginx, or Microsoft IIS can be used as a web server for Drupal 10.
  • Operating System: Drupal 10 can run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Composer Requirement: Drupal 10 will require Composer 2.3.6 or higher since this will require using Automatic Updates. The composer can be updated by running composer self-update.

Hardware Requirements:

  • Processor: A processor with at least 2GHz of speed is recommended for running Drupal 10.
  • Memory: Drupal 10 requires at least 2GB of RAM, but 4GB or more is recommended for best performance.
  • Storage: The amount of storage required for Drupal 10 will vary depending on the size and complexity of the website, but at least 256MB of storage should be sufficient for a basic installation.

In addition to the system requirements, it is also important to make sure that your server has the appropriate permissions set up to allow Drupal to write to files and directories, and that your server has access to any necessary libraries or modules.

It is highly recommended to consult the official Drupal documentation for complete information on system requirements and best practices for deploying Drupal in a production environment.

It's also worth noting that Drupal is a powerful and flexible Content Management System. And with flexibility often comes complexity. It is recommended to consider also the technical skills of the people who will be managing the site. Especially if you are planning on having a complex area, it's always better to have an expert developer on board.


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