what is descriptive link text helps search engines understand your content.

By toswebdev, 25 August, 2022
what is descriptive link text helps search engines understand your content.

A hyperlink's clickable word or phrase is known as the link text. Users and search engines can more quickly grasp your content and how it relates to other sites when link language effectively communicates a hyperlink's target.

How the Lighthouse link text audit failsĀ 

Descriptive link text

Lighthouse flags the following generic link text:

  • click here
  • click this
  • go
  • here
  • this
  • start
  • right here
  • more
  • learn more

How to add descriptive link text

Specific descriptions should take the place of general expressions like "click here" and "learn more." In general, make sure your link wording makes it clear what kind of content users will find if they click the link.

<p>To see all of our basketball videos, <a href="videos.html">click here</a>.</p>


"Click here" doesn't convey where the hyperlink will take users.

<p>Check out all of our <a href="videos.html">basketball videos</a>.</p>


"Basketball videos" clearly conveys that the hyperlink will take users to a page of videos.

To make link wording descriptive, you'll frequently need to edit the words immediately surrounding it.



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