
A freelancer earns money on a project-by-project basis as an independent contractor, usually for short-term projects. Freelancers are not employees of a firm, so unless contractually bound to work exclusively until a particular project is completed, they may work on multiple jobs at once.

By toswebdev, 10 September, 2023

What is UserTesting 

UserTesting is a platform that helps businesses create and manage tests to get feedback on their products, services, and marketing campaigns. The platform includes a large pool of testers and offers customizable test plans, live conversation tests, and analytics and reporting.

UserTesting can be used to get feedback on almost any customer experience, including websites, mobile apps, prototypes, and real-world experiences. The platform can help businesses make timely, customer-centric business decisions.


By toswebdev, 14 November, 2022
  1. LinkedIn

    This is the best place to find freelance jobs/projects - copywriting, designing, content writing, coding, etc. Tip: Optimise your profile, network, and get started.

  2. Twitter

    A great networking platform to find freelance jobs. I got my first high-paying client through Twitter. Stay active, cold DM people, and engage as much as you can.


By toswebdev, 9 November, 2022

You can make $500+/month by replying, commenting, and scheduling.

The following are 5 ways you can make money as a Social Media Manager:

1. Content creation

Content Creation Most online business owners or new businessmen don’t know the power of content creation that can help them achieve 10s of prospects.

Here you come to allow that businessman to create content for their social media page that attracts prospects to their page.

Skills you need:-